Falling Object Injury Claims


Falling objects can cause serious injuries to anyone in their way.  If you’ve been hurt by one, our No Win No Fee solicitors could help you make a claim for compensation

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Falling Object Injury Claims

Falling objects are a major cause of accidents at work, with the potential to cause serious head injuries and even death.


Suffering an accident at work can be devastating to your health and the rest of your life. If you can’t work, you might be wondering how you’ll pay your bills and take care of your family. You might also worry about the effects of making a claim against your employer.


At Work Accident Claims, we are specialists who know the law and can help you get back on your feet. We can help you cover any loss of earnings you’ve experienced while avoiding any negative consequences. Just get in touch today to find out how we can take the stress out of making an accident at work claim.

Injured by a falling object?


Yes, it sounds unlikely doesn’t it?  But it’s more common than you might think – in 2018/19, 16 people were killed by moving objects and 11 people were killed by collapsing or overturning objects, according to the Health and Safety Executive.


It’s also more common in certain types of work such as construction work, building sites, warehouses and factories.


Causes range from tools or materials being dropped from roofs, scaffolding and forklifts, to incorrectly stored tools, stacked products and unsafe building structures.


Some common injuries workers suffer from falling objects are:


  • Head injuries
  • Facial injury
  • Back injuries
  • Hand injuries
  • Bruises
  • Fractures
  • Strains and sprains.

    Your claim will be against the insurer, not the business. As such you are protected and cannot be dismissed for making a claim.

    By making a claim you are helping to build a safer workplace for your colleagues in the future. Protecting your employers from future claims.

    Our work accident specialists will talk to you about the help available to ease the financial burdens you may have whilst you are recovering.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why make a falling objects injury claim?

Did your employer provide you with a reasonable amount of personal protection equipment (PPE), such as hard hats, reinforced boots and safety goggles?

Were steps taken to reduce the chance of falling objects – toe boards, guard rails, safety guards on machinery, or debris nets?

If the answer is no, then your accident may have been preventable.  Making a claim raises the subject of accountability with your employer, who may be at fault for failing to implement health and safety measures.

Compensation also allows you the time you need to recover, without the worry over lack of wages.

How can Work Accident Claims help?

We are here to make the whole claims process easier for you.  We start with a free consultation, to chat about your situation, the accident and your injury.  If there’s a claim to make, we will put you in touch with one of our specialist solicitors, who will take it from there. Find out more about making a claim here.

About No Win No Fee

Only pay a fee if you receive compensation

Where we offer No Win No Fee services typically customers pay 25% of the amount recovered by our solicitors, although this will be subject to your individual circumstances and the actual fee may be less than this but it will never be more. Success fees are common practice and they were introduced when the law changed in April 2013.

How much compensation will I receive for a falling objects injury claim?

That very much depends on your injury, the severity of it and whether you are likely to make a full recovery. To find out more about what you could be entitled to, just get in touch with our friendly advisors.

Is there a time limit for making a claim?

Most personal injury claims have to be made within three years of the accident date, but there are a couple of exceptions to this rule. Get in touch and we can chat through your individual situation.

I think I have a claim, what do I do next?

Easy!  Just get in touch for a free consultation.  We will then assess whether you have a claim to make and talk you through the whole process, including whether you are eligible for our No Win No Fee service.  You are under no pressure to make a claim unless you are comfortable doing so.